Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Trichilia sp. Thomas D. 3404 Roadside with rocky stream between Bipindi and Lolodorf, at Mbiguiligui.
Trichilia sp. Thomas D.W. 4472 Forest and meadows on the gently slopping side of Mount Cameroun above small Koto village.
Trichilia sp. Thomas D.W. 5462 Kurume, west of Mungo River.
Trichilia sp. Thomas D.W. 6718 Korup National Park. Transect P.
Trichilia sp. Thomas D.W. 6998 Secondary forest and cocoa farm between Nyandong and Messaka villages.
Trichilia sp. Thomas D.W. 7224 Forest at Ndakan, along banks of Sangha River,collected by boat.
Trichilia sp. Thomas D.W. 7225 Forest at Ndakan, along bank of Sangha river.
Trichilia sp. Thomas D.W. 7753 Forest around Masaka-Batanga.
Trichilia sp. Tisserant 2311 Boukoko, région Mbaïki et Boukoko
Trichilia sp. Villiers J.-F. 1319 Crête N Muaku, 4 km SW Bangem. (carte IGN: Mamfé).

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