Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Trichilia sp. Asonganyi J.N. 442 Along river Inoubou 24 km S of Ndikinimeki.
Trichilia sp. Bos J.J. 6508 N of Mt. Elephant, SE of Kribi.
Trichilia sp. Cheek M. 8993 Kodmin in Kupe Manenguba division; Ela Ndip Emechang waterfall.
Trichilia sp. de Kruif A.P.M. 984 Near Bipaga II, km 40 road Kribi - Edéa.
Trichilia sp. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 8034 16 KM on the recently reconstructed road frm Ebolowa to Minkok.
Trichilia sp. Etuge 4158 Kodmin, from the village towards Nyale road.
Trichilia sp. Fotius 2648 Koti - Manga, 45 Km SE de Poli. IGN Poli.
Trichilia sp. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 9069 Km 1 Solé - Loum.
Trichilia sp. Letouzey R. 2605 Sabal Haleo
Trichilia sp. Letouzey R. 2606 Sabal Haleo
Trichilia sp. Manning S.D. 1637 2 km E of Welele, between Molundu and Yokadouma.
Trichilia sp. Nemba 839 Scrub and secondary forest, around Kumba town.
Trichilia sp. Nemba 909 Forested slope of Mount Kupe above Nyassosso.
Trichilia sp. Onana J.-M. 554 Bank of river Chide, Muambong; Kupe - Manenguba.
Trichilia sp. Raynal J. 9952 Mékoassi (24 Km SW Ambam). Forêt primaire 3 km N village.
Trichilia sp. SCA s.n. Indéterminé
Trichilia sp. SCA s.n. Indéterminé
Trichilia sp. Tadjouteu 28 Mt. Bamboutos, Complexe touristique de la chute de Mami-water à Fongo-tongo. Carte IGN de Mamfé
Trichilia sp. Thomas D. 2750 Forest near Mbu village.
Trichilia sp. Thomas D. 3047 Secondary forest around Nyasoso, at the base of Mount Koupe.

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