Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Strychnos sp. Thomas D.W. 7751 Forest around Masaka - Batanga.
Strychnos sp. Thomas D.W. 8071 Collection made along the foothpath from Esukutang to Ekogate. Starting 5 km west of Esukutang.
Strychnos sp. Thomas D.W. 8150 Species-rich secondary forest around Banyu, 15km West of Manyemen.
Strychnos sp. Thomas D.W. 8171 Species-rich secondary forest around Banyu, 15km West of Manyemen.
Strychnos sp. van der Burg H.C. 567 Korup National Park, P transect, north of plot 10 VN.
Strychnos sp. van der Zon A.P.M. 1295 Mont Teguelin
Strychnos sp. Villiers J.-F. 1472 SW ville Mbuambong, 26km NNE Tombel. Flle IGN 1/2000 Buea-Douala.
Strychnos sp. Villiers J.-F. 4720 5 km S Koum, 40 km E Tcholliré.
Strychnos sp. Westphal 10008 In forest ca. 5 km W of Dschang Fongo Ndeng.
Strychnos sp. Wit 3264 Tcheboa.

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