Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Strychnos sp. Ngameni Kamga B. 122 Pied du Mt Ngoro, 38 km N Bafia.
Strychnos sp. Nkongmeneck B.-A. 940 Mt Cameroun, flanc de Munyenge. IGN 1 / 200 000 Buea / Douala.
Strychnos sp. Onana J.-M. 91 Vers Otu, 46 km E Mamfe.
Strychnos sp. Satabié B. 881 Environs de Mbilishe dans la Reserve forestière de Takamanda: 18 km SSW Akwaya.
Strychnos sp. Satabié B. 900 Environs rivière Makone dans reserve forestière Takamanda: 25 km SSW Akwaya.
Strychnos sp. Satabié B. 900 Environs rivière Makone, dans reserve forestière Takamanda : 25km SSW Akwaya.
Strychnos sp. Sonké B. 539 Layon nord-sud à partir de Djolimpoun (entre Somalomo-Malen)
Strychnos sp. Sonké B. 1347 Cameroun, Réserve de faune du Dja. Djolimpoun, layon nord-sud
Strychnos sp. Tamaki 147 Ejagam Council Forest : Reserve in South West Province.
Strychnos sp. Thomas D.W. 5246 Forested hillsides in the Bakossi Mountains, West of Bangem.
Strychnos sp. Thomas D.W. 6253 Banks of the Nyong river, 2 Km downstream of Akonolinga, Tom Smith's seedcraker research site.
Strychnos sp. Thomas D.W. 6788 Vicinity o Mundemba, Ndian division.
Strychnos sp. Thomas D.W. 6851 Korup National Park.
Strychnos sp. Thomas D.W. 6852 Korup National Park.
Strychnos sp. Thomas D.W. 7016 Konye village on Kumba mamfe road, river bank by hammock.
Strychnos sp. Thomas D.W. 7039 Cocoa farms along the road between Konye and Bakole.
Strychnos sp. Thomas D.W. 7188 Degraded forest along roadside between Libongo and Bela, 3 - 8 km from Libongo.
Strychnos sp. Thomas D.W. 7488 Roadside forest south of Baro village.
Strychnos sp. Thomas D.W. 7729 Forest around Masaka - Batanga.
Strychnos sp. Thomas D.W. 7751 Forest around Masaka - Batanga.

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