Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Pittosporum mannii Hook.f. Meijer W. 15392 Mont Cameroun, NW de Buea.
Pittosporum mannii Hook.f. Munyenyembe 744 Mount Oku
Pittosporum mannii Hook.f. Nkongmeneck B.-A. 144 Baho (Baham), 18 km au S. de Bafoussam. Flle IGN 1/2000 Bafoussam.
Pittosporum mannii Hook.f. Nkongmeneck B.-A. 150 Tse, 19 Km au S de Bafoussam. IGN Bafoussam.
Pittosporum mannii Hook.f. Thomas D. 2596 Disturbed montane forest above Buea, near Hut 1 on Cameroon mountain.
Pittosporum mannii Hook.f. Thomas D. 3116 Grassland and woodland around the crater of Manengouba.
Pittosporum mannii Hook.f. Thomas D.E. 4667 Northern slope of cameroon mountain near the new radio station. Annually burned tussock - grassland, lava flows with low shrubs and patches of dying woodland with dense shrubby undergrowth.
Pittosporum mannii Hook.f. Thomas D.W. 6013 Forest, scrublands and grasslands around lake Oku and Mount Oku.
Pittosporum mannii Hook.f. Zapfack 1112 Summit of Mount Oku.

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