Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Pittosporum mannii Hook.f. Breteler F.J. MC 148 In gully with light forest, dry riverbed, rocky.
Pittosporum mannii Hook.f. Breteler F.J. MC 171 Along path from hut 1 to hut 2, near the transition from montane forest to montane savanne.
Pittosporum mannii Hook.f. Breteler F.J. MC 181 Along path from hut 1 to hut 2, near the transition from montane forest to montane savanne.
Pittosporum mannii Hook.f. Breteler F.J. 406 Plateau of the Adamaoua. Savannah grazed by cattle, 11 km south of Ngaoundéré, along road to Meiganga.
Pittosporum mannii Hook.f. C.N.A.D. 1772 Bafou
Pittosporum mannii Hook.f. C.N.A.D. 1874 dschang
Pittosporum mannii Hook.f. Fotius 2584 Hosséré Kourouk : 50km SW de Tcholliré. Carte IGN 1/2000 Rey Bouba.
Pittosporum mannii Hook.f. Goetghebeur 4930 W. Province, way Foumban to Koumbo, Nkoutoupi, Mbam-massif.
Pittosporum mannii Hook.f. Goetghebeur 5035 N province, N of Bayo, N of Sambolabo, Mayo Kélélé, from the village to the market, direction Dodéo.
Pittosporum mannii Hook.f. Jacques-Félix H. 8477 Mont Vokré, (1870m alt.)
Pittosporum mannii Hook.f. Jacques-Félix H. 8745 Ganmbert - Ngaou Loumou (1700 m).
Pittosporum mannii Hook.f. Jacques-Félix H. 8989 Plateau culminant (2400 m).
Pittosporum mannii Hook.f. Kamundi 605 Ijim Mountain Forest.
Pittosporum mannii Hook.f. Kamundi 636 Ijim Mountain forest. Near Chufekhe stream.
Pittosporum mannii Hook.f. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 7658 10 km. S. of Ngaoundéré, Station fouragère de Wakwa. Creek bank, small gallery forest.
Pittosporum mannii Hook.f. Letouzey R. 2502 Vallon forestier au Nord du Lac Mbella Assom.
Pittosporum mannii Hook.f. Letouzey R. 3623 Près du confluent Lom/Bâ. Flle IGN. 1/2000 Betare Oya.
Pittosporum mannii Hook.f. Letouzey R. 10807 Massif de Nkohom, entre Ndom et Ndambok, 40km au Sud de Ndikinimeki. Flle. IGN. 1/2000 Ndikinimeki.
Pittosporum mannii Hook.f. Letouzey R. 13048 Massif du Nkogam (2263m); 25km W de Foumban.
Pittosporum mannii Hook.f. Mbenkum TFM 332 Tadu - Oku rd, 10,5 km WNW Kumbo.

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