Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Landolphia ligustrifolia (Stapf) Pichon Wieringa J.J. 290 Crystal mountains, Tchimbélé, shores of lake near dam.
Landolphia ligustrifolia (Stapf) Pichon Wieringa J.J. 291 Crystal mountains, Tchimbélé, shores of lake near dam.
Landolphia ligustrifolia (Stapf) Pichon Wieringa J.J. 714 Crystal Mountains, Tchimbélé. 0.5 km NE of dam.
Landolphia ligustrifolia (Stapf) Pichon Wieringa J.J. 1083 Rabi-Kounga, 15 km on road 'Checkpoint Charlie' to Dianongo.
Landolphia ligustrifolia (Stapf) Pichon Wieringa J.J. 2582 Rabi, 0.6 km on the road to Rabi 78.
Landolphia ligustrifolia (Stapf) Pichon Wieringa J.J. 3048 forestry road W of Bembodié.
Landolphia ligustrifolia (Stapf) Pichon Wieringa J.J. 3094 13 km on road Etéké to Ovala, Nyongué.
Landolphia ligustrifolia (Stapf) Pichon Wilde (WALK-B) 900 Eastern part of the Presidential Reserve Wonga-Wongué; c. 100 km S. of Libreville; at the border of what is locally called Crocodile lake.

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