Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Landolphia ligustrifolia (Stapf) Pichon Arends J.C. 587 ca 43 km along the road E. of Mouila, leading to Yeno.
Landolphia ligustrifolia (Stapf) Pichon Bissiengou P. 759 11 km SE of Mitzic, FOREENEX forest exploitation, bridge over Okano river at FOREENEX forestry camp.
Landolphia ligustrifolia (Stapf) Pichon Breteler F.J. 232 Monts de Cristal, 15 km along the road Asok - dam in the Tchimbélé River.
Landolphia ligustrifolia (Stapf) Pichon Breteler F.J. 8024 c. 60 km Mouila to Yeno.
Landolphia ligustrifolia (Stapf) Pichon Breteler F.J. 11173 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville.
Landolphia ligustrifolia (Stapf) Pichon Breteler F.J. 11458 between Rabi- Kounga and Yeno.
Landolphia ligustrifolia (Stapf) Pichon Breteler F.J. 11527 Rabi-area, road from Koumaga to Rabi, between Echira and Niunga junction
Landolphia ligustrifolia (Stapf) Pichon de Wilde J.J.F.E. 9261 Ca 35 km along the road Mayumba - Tchibanga, and then c. 5 km along a track to Panga.
Landolphia ligustrifolia (Stapf) Pichon de Wilde J.J.F.E. 10402 50 km on the road Mouila - Yéno.
Landolphia ligustrifolia (Stapf) Pichon de Wilde J.J.F.E. 11167 Gamba, 6.4 km on the road from airport to Vera.
Landolphia ligustrifolia (Stapf) Pichon Lachenaud 1534 concession Maurel & Prom, près du Lac Ezanga.
Landolphia ligustrifolia (Stapf) Pichon Leeuwenberg 13553 30 km of Abangaga R. to the east.
Landolphia ligustrifolia (Stapf) Pichon Leeuwenberg 13634 Right bank Ngounié R., SE of Sindara, km 17 west of Chantier Waka.
Landolphia ligustrifolia (Stapf) Pichon Leeuwenberg 13694 Right bank Ngounié R., SE of Sindara, km 17 road Camp Waka to Ngoenié R.
Landolphia ligustrifolia (Stapf) Pichon Leeuwenberg 13708 Forêt de la Mondah, 2 km S. of Cap Esterias.
Landolphia ligustrifolia (Stapf) Pichon McPherson 15170 SW of Lambaréné, near Lake Ezanga; Conoco drilling site; forest on sand.
Landolphia ligustrifolia (Stapf) Pichon McPherson 15174 SW of Lambaréné, near Lake Ezanga; Conoco drilling site; forest on sand.
Landolphia ligustrifolia (Stapf) Pichon McPherson 16885 Setté Cama. Coastal forest on sand, at edge of lagoon.
Landolphia ligustrifolia (Stapf) Pichon Reitsma J.M. 3035 Primary rain forest, ca 15 km N. of Oveng.
Landolphia ligustrifolia (Stapf) Pichon Schoenmaker J. 228 Rabi-Kounga. Logging road NE of Rabi.

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