Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Allophylus sp. Thomas D.W. 7861 Forest in the Korup National Park, between Akwa and Bera.
Allophylus sp. Thomas D.W. 7885 Steep hillside south of Esukutang village.
Allophylus sp. Thomas D.W. 7933 Cocoa farms along the road between Konye and Bakole.
Allophylus sp. van der Burgt 538 Bidjouka, above the waterfall.
Allophylus sp. Villiers J.-F. 1423 Massif Ntali, pente NW : 30km SE Mamfe.
Allophylus sp. Wit 3393 Kalamaloué

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