Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Allophylus sp. Geerling C. 5750 10 km au Nord de Ngaoundéré.
Allophylus sp. Goetghebeur 4966 Way Foumban to Koumbo, Nkoutoupi, rain forest a few km before Nkoutoupi.
Allophylus sp. Goetghebeur 5039 N. of Banyo, N of Sambolabo, Mayo Kélélé, from the village to the market, direction Dodéo.
Allophylus sp. Letouzey R. 522 Manengouba vers 1200m.
Allophylus sp. Manning S.D. 290 Forest across parking lot from Benedictine Mission. Mt. Febe, Yaoundé.
Allophylus sp. Manning S.D. 1036 Along path from Bulu camp, palmol plantation to Ekumbako, approx. 7km S of Mundemba.
Allophylus sp. Manning S.D. 2181 Along the foot path between Menda Nkwe and Awing, Bafut Ngemba N. A Forest Reserve approx. SE of Bamenda.
Allophylus sp. Nemba 101 Bolo forest, 2 km West of Kumba - Mamfe road near Konye.
Allophylus sp. Nemba 340 Mundemba - Fabe road.
Allophylus sp. Nkongmeneck B.-A. 244 Reserve forestière de Metchié-Ngoun, à 14km W. de Bafang.
Allophylus sp. Nkongmeneck B.-A. 447 Mvini, 33 km W de Nyabessan.
Allophylus sp. sans nom de collecteur S.N Victoria
Allophylus sp. SCA 1905
Allophylus sp. SCA 2326
Allophylus sp. Thomas D. 2865 Forest on the southern slope of Mount Cameroon, above Batoke.
Allophylus sp. Thomas D. 3127 Grassland and woodland around the crater of Manengouba.
Allophylus sp. Thomas D.W. 4100 Korup National Park.
Allophylus sp. Thomas D.W. 4725 Mature rain forest in the Korup National Park, collected between Ndian river at Palmol field 69 and 2,5 km on transect P.
Allophylus sp. Thomas D.W. 7173 Disturbed forest along roadside between Koumela and Libongo, 25-30km East of Koumela.
Allophylus sp. Thomas D.W. 7265 Forested bank of the Sangha river (international frontier), 30 Km from Libongo southwards.

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