Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Thomandersia Baill. Breteler F.J. 6851 Lekoko forest exploitation, 60 km S.S.W. of Moanda.
Thomandersia Baill. Breteler F.J. 12492 c. 22km S of Bakoumba.
Thomandersia Baill. Dauby G.V. 1292 forêt au Nord de Lambarénékili, à environ 5 km au nord de la rivière Niambo-Kamba.
Thomandersia Baill. Dauby G.V. 2214 concession de Rabi-Shell, entre le site de Rabi et le site de Toucan.
Thomandersia Baill. Dibata J.J. 660 Probably Foret des Abeilles.
Thomandersia Baill. Durand SRFG 1542 Station de L'Ikoy.
Thomandersia Baill. Harris D.J. 8626 Loango National Park, east side of Rembo Nyoungou river, c. 2 km upstream from Akaka camp.
Thomandersia Baill. Leal 1968 Bouvala hills. Secondary forest.
Thomandersia Baill. Louis A.M. 3112 route Franceville vers Léconi à 83 km. Lac Bleu près du village Souba.
Thomandersia Baill. Maesen 5499 11 km W from Lastoursville. Chantier SBL, near headquarters.
Thomandersia Baill. Ngok Banak L. 319 Inselberg Milobo.
Thomandersia Baill. Ngok Banak L. 1891 Bélinga.
Thomandersia Baill. Nguema Ekomo 743 Batéké Plateau National Park, Bai Djobo.
Thomandersia Baill. Parmentier 897 Mont Voma, inselberg au pied du village d'Efôt, à à 15 km de Médouneu en direction de Sam.
Thomandersia Baill. Raymakers 122 at WWF house.
Thomandersia Baill. Sosef 2631 Pélé Mountains, c. 27 km on the road Tchibanga - Moulengui Binza (counted from the bifurcation with road to Mayumba), village Birougou, and then 12 km on a track in SW direction to village Bikamba, from there following track in direction of the hills.
Thomandersia Baill. Stévart 4004 Birougou National Park, Massif du Chaillu, 40 km SE of Mbigou, 5.5 km E of Moukimbi village. MBG transect TS 10.
Thomandersia Baill. Towns 1025 Libreville.
Thomandersia Baill. Walters 1181 Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Kalahari Sands. Projet Protection des Gorilles. Open gallery forest of Mpassa River with Annonidium, Dacryodes, and Palisota in understory.
Thomandersia Baill. White L.J.T. 184 Soforga II.

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