Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Rinorea angustifolia (Thouars) Baill. Bidault E. 966 Mabounié, à 45 km au sud-ouest de Lambaréné, près de la rivère Ngounié.
Rinorea angustifolia (Thouars) Baill. Breteler F.J. 9944 c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Rinorea angustifolia (Thouars) Baill. Breteler F.J. 10239 Rabi-Kounga, Divangui road.
Rinorea angustifolia (Thouars) Baill. Breteler F.J. 10744 c. 30 km E of Lastoursville.
Rinorea angustifolia (Thouars) Baill. Breteler F.J. 12190 c. 30km E of Lastoursville.
Rinorea angustifolia (Thouars) Baill. Breteler F.J. 12380 c. 70km E of Lastoursville, E of Ndambi.
Rinorea angustifolia (Thouars) Baill. Breteler F.J. 12585 c. 40km E of Lastoursville.
Rinorea angustifolia (Thouars) Baill. Breteler F.J. 15396 Bambidie, c. 30 km E of Lastoursville. Permanent plot at Bambidie Station, Arboretum.
Rinorea angustifolia (Thouars) Baill. Breteler F.J. 15722 Mont Sassamongo, ± 105 km on the road Makokou to Mekambo.
Rinorea angustifolia (Thouars) Baill. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 9039 c. 46 km along the track Doussala-Igotchi, in a SW direction from Doussala.
Rinorea angustifolia (Thouars) Baill. Floret J.J. 1412 Près de Mviadi. Chantier SOFOR.
Rinorea angustifolia (Thouars) Baill. Floret J.J. 1416 Près de Mviadi. Chantier SOFOR.
Rinorea angustifolia (Thouars) Baill. Floret J.J. 1485 Brigade forestière de Ekouk (nouvelles parcelles).
Rinorea angustifolia (Thouars) Baill. Lachenaud 1419 Mabounié, Golgotha.
Rinorea angustifolia (Thouars) Baill. Louis A.M. 1824 Malibé-mangrove.
Rinorea angustifolia (Thouars) Baill. Minkébé Series D 46 Minkébé area, river Nouna.
Rinorea angustifolia (Thouars) Baill. Ngok Banak L. 1077 c.9 km ESE Medouneu, Efot, Inselberg Simanguen.
Rinorea angustifolia (Thouars) Baill. Ngok Banak L. 1675 Minkébé National Park, southern inselberg area.
Rinorea angustifolia (Thouars) Baill. Nguema Ekomo 775 Batéké Plateau National Park, Bai Djobo.
Rinorea angustifolia (Thouars) Baill. Wieringa J.J. 3182 22 km on road Lastoursville to Koulamoutou.

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