Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Physacanthus cylindricus C.B.Clarke Nguema Miyono 1376 Crystal Mountains.
Physacanthus cylindricus C.B.Clarke Nguema Miyono 1776 Crystal Mountains.
Physacanthus cylindricus C.B.Clarke Quiroz-Villarreal 1393 Libreville, PK80. Fôret de Dwanjeng.
Physacanthus cylindricus C.B.Clarke Reitsma J.M. 1074 chantier CEB, Monts Doudou, c. 20 km WSW of Doussala.
Physacanthus cylindricus C.B.Clarke Reitsma J.M. 2769 Rain forest in Doudou Mountains, ca 50 km SW of Doussala.
Physacanthus cylindricus C.B.Clarke Sosef 2358 Doudou Mountains National Parc, c. 50 km S of Mandji.
Physacanthus cylindricus C.B.Clarke Sosef 2488 c. 2 km SW of Evouta.
Physacanthus cylindricus C.B.Clarke Tabak 56 Tchimbélé, along small track c. 1.8 km from hydro-electric power station.
Physacanthus cylindricus C.B.Clarke Towns 818 Coco beach.
Physacanthus cylindricus C.B.Clarke Valkenburg 3131 southern summit Mt. Igoumbi.
Physacanthus cylindricus C.B.Clarke Wilde (WALK-B) 38 7 km along the road Tchimbélé - Kinguélé.
Physacanthus cylindricus C.B.Clarke Wilde (WALK-B) 109 Forest exploitation Leroy, 20 km N.W. of Asok.
Physacanthus cylindricus C.B.Clarke Wilde (WALK-B) 193 Ca 10 km along the road Tchimbélé - Kinguélé.
Physacanthus cylindricus C.B.Clarke Wilde (WALK-B) 363 Missionary Station at Mouyanama, c. 15 km on the road Mimongo - Mbigou (60 km along the road from Mbigou).
Physacanthus cylindricus C.B.Clarke Wilde (WALK-B) 475 Missionary Station at Mouyanama, c. 15 km on the road Mimongo - Mbigou (60 km along the road from Mbigou). Waterfall at c. 45 minutes walking distance above the mission compound.
Physacanthus cylindricus C.B.Clarke Wilks AP 3721 Pres du sommet de Mont Sene, 17600m on transect H.

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