Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Drypetes Vahl Obiang Mbomio 157 Crystal Mountains, 0m on transect G38.
Drypetes Vahl Obiang Mbomio 188 Crystal Mountains, 100m on transect G7.
Drypetes Vahl Obiang Mbomio 236 Crystal Mountains, 6900m on transect H.
Drypetes Vahl SIMAB series 40114 Mbe National Park, Monts de Cristal. Kinguele Dam area. On east-facing slope (3-12º incline). Closed canopy forest with Santiria trimera and Coula edulis. Understorey dominated by Halopegia azuria and Mapania sp. Plot 4.
Drypetes Vahl SIMAB series 41412 Mbe National Park, Monts de Cristal. Kinguele Dam area. On east-facing slope (3-12º incline). Closed canopy forest with Santiria trimera and Coula edulis. Understorey dominated by Halopegia azuria and Mapania sp. Plot 4.
Drypetes Vahl SIMAB series 42320 Mbe National Park, Monts de Cristal. Kinguele Dam area. On east-facing slope (3-12º incline). Closed canopy forest with Santiria trimera and Coula edulis. Understorey dominated by Halopegia azuria and Mapania sp. Plot 4.
Drypetes Vahl SIMAB series 50625 Mbe National Park, Monts de Cristal. Kinguele Dam area. On west-facing slope (2-15º incline). Closed canopy forest with Dichostemma glaucescens, Marquesia excelsa, and Santiria trimera. Understorey dominated by Halopegia azuria. Plot 5.
Drypetes Vahl Simons 585 Libreville. Arboretum de Sibang.
Drypetes Vahl Simons 1033 Akanda National Park, near Libreville.
Drypetes Vahl Sosef 1208 Monts Doudou, à ± 40km au Nord-Ouest de Doussala, autour du campement II.
Drypetes Vahl Sosef 1250 Monts Doudou, à ± 40km au Nord-Ouest de Doussala, autour du campement III.
Drypetes Vahl Sosef 1423 13 km sur la route Doussala - Bongo, dans une direction Nord-Ouest.
Drypetes Vahl Sosef 1438 Plus ou moins 40 au Nord-Ouest de Doussala.
Drypetes Vahl Sosef 1913 forestry concession Bordamur, c. 70 km NE of Mitzic.
Drypetes Vahl Sosef 2088 c. 25 km on the road Lastoursville - Koulamoutou.
Drypetes Vahl Sosef 2431 c. ½ km N of Evouta, North of Waka National Park.
Drypetes Vahl Stévart 3975 Birougou National Park, Massif du Chaillu, 40 km SE of Mbigou, 5.5 km E of Moukimbi village. MBG transect TS 9.
Drypetes Vahl Stévart 4332 Belinga Mountain. On the ridge.
Drypetes Vahl Strijk 206 Bordamur consession area, some 48 km from WWF-station, on large Inselberg near logging road construction site.
Drypetes Vahl Towns 878 Ebomane.

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