Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Crotonogyne gabunensis Pax Simons 1009 National Park Akanda, Carrière Sable Ogam.
Crotonogyne gabunensis Pax Sosef 693 Mont Iboundji, foret au sommet.
Crotonogyne gabunensis Pax Sosef 1852 c. 15 km on the road Lebamba - Bilengui (to the North of Lebamba).
Crotonogyne gabunensis Pax Sosef 2346 Doudou Mountains National Parc, c. 50 km S of Mandji.
Crotonogyne gabunensis Pax Sosef 2347 Doudou Mountains National Parc, c. 50 km S of Mandji.
Crotonogyne gabunensis Pax Sosef 2348 Doudou Mountains National Parc, c. 50 km S of Mandji.
Crotonogyne gabunensis Pax Stévart 3574 Monts de Cristal, SEEF logging concession. Transect TS7, on a ridge.
Crotonogyne gabunensis Pax Strijk 63 on the secondary road towards the WWF-station and entrance to Bordamur consession area, 1 km from Assock Begue.
Crotonogyne gabunensis Pax Valkenburg 2657 chantier SFN.
Crotonogyne gabunensis Pax Valkenburg 2864 Moukalaba Doudou national park, chantier SFN.
Crotonogyne gabunensis Pax Wieringa J.J. 629 Minkébé region, Nsye valley.
Crotonogyne gabunensis Pax Wieringa J.J. 647 Minkébé region, Nsye valley, c. 100 km N Makokou.
Crotonogyne gabunensis Pax Wieringa J.J. 4461 10 km on the road Ikobey to Bakongue, Eghaba Mountain.
Crotonogyne gabunensis Pax Wieringa J.J. 4701 Crystal Mountains, 5 km on old road Tchimbélé to Asok.
Crotonogyne gabunensis Pax Wieringa J.J. 5239 12 km on Rimbunan Hijau forestry road 2-1 and 2-1A.
Crotonogyne gabunensis Pax Wilde (WALK-B) 242 Forest exploitation Leroy, 20 km N.W. of Asok.
Crotonogyne gabunensis Pax Wilde (WALK-B) 784 c. 14 km along the road Libreville - Cap Esterias.
Crotonogyne gabunensis Pax Wilks 899 forêt des Abeilles, 15km SE du confluent Ogooué-Ivindo.
Crotonogyne gabunensis Pax Wilks 1733 3 km ESE d'Okuamos.
Crotonogyne gabunensis Pax Wilks AP 3419 Crystal Mountains, 47980m on transect G.

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