Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Beilschmiedia sp. Letouzey R. s.n. Près du km 27 de la route Yaoundé - Mbalmayo
Beilschmiedia sp. Letouzey R. s.n. Chantier Belton à Oveng près Gare akono
Beilschmiedia sp. Mitani 272 a Mvini à Campo
Beilschmiedia sp. Mpom B. 89 A 17 km route Mbalmayo - Yaoundé.
Beilschmiedia sp. Nana P. 245 90 km de Bertoua vers Esseleke
Beilschmiedia sp. Nana P. 251 à 60 km de Bertoua piste d'Esseleke
Beilschmiedia sp. Nana P. 417 A 100 km de Bertoua, route Ebaka.
Beilschmiedia sp. Nana P. 468 A 50 km de Bertoua
Beilschmiedia sp. Nemba 28 Forest near Mekom Bakossi, 8 km east of Kumba. Mamfe road, bear Konye.
Beilschmiedia sp. Nemba 45 Bolo forest, 3 km west of Kumba - Mamfe road near Konye.
Beilschmiedia sp. Nemba 60 Bolo forest, 5km West of Kumba - Mamfe road, near Konye.
Beilschmiedia sp. Nemba 253 Bolo-Meboka, Kumba-Mamfe road.
Beilschmiedia sp. Nemba 487 Kumba, degarded forest vegetation.
Beilschmiedia sp. Nkongmeneck B.-A. 918 Mt Cameroun, flanc de Bafia
Beilschmiedia sp. Satabié B. 347 Massif de Ngovayan : 14 km W de Lolodorf.
Beilschmiedia sp. Sonké B. 1593 Cameroun, Réserve du Dja , Meka'a
Beilschmiedia sp. Thomas D. 3246 forest in the Korup National Park.
Beilschmiedia sp. Thomas D.W. 4548 Takamanda forest reserve.
Beilschmiedia sp. Thomas D.W. 5391 Secondary forest near Mekom village, western Bakossi, 8km east of Konye on Kumba-Mamfe road.
Beilschmiedia sp. Thomas D.W. 7080 Secondary forest by the bridge over the river, fabe road, 5km north of Mundemba town.

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