Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Baphia sp. Satabié B. 879 Environs de Kaluma dans reserve forestière de Takamanda, 15km SW Akwaya.
Baphia sp. Tamaki 3 Ejagam council forest reserve in South West Province.
Baphia sp. Tamaki 146 Ejagam council forest reserve in South West Province.
Baphia sp. Thomas D. 2161 Map - NB 32 IV - Buea-Douala. Rocky river bank, seasonally inuandated by flood water ; bank of Mana (Ndian) river.
Baphia sp. Thomas D. 3218 Forest in the Korup National Park.
Baphia sp. Thomas D. 3222 Small tree on inselfberg rock ; corolla white.
Baphia sp. Thomas D. 3235 Forest in the Korup National Park.
Baphia sp. Thomas D. 3441 Forest and swamps, 15km N. of Kribi.
Baphia sp. Thomas D. 4192 Relict forest near Kumba.
Baphia sp. Thomas D. 4364 Forest relict, Barombi Kang, near Kumba.
Baphia sp. Thomas D. 4719 Mature rain forest in the Korup National Park, collected between Ndian River at PAMOL field 69 and 2,5km on transect P.
Baphia sp. Thomas D. 4806 Forest on north side of Mme river, just below Bai (Ekumbako) waterfall.
Baphia sp. Thomas D. 5211 Scrub and disturbed forest around kumba.
Baphia sp. Thomas D. 5660 Secondary forest at Nganjo, west bank of Meme river on Kumba Mbonge road.
Baphia sp. Thomas D. 5956 30km west of Kumba on Mbonge road.
Baphia sp. Thomas D. 6821 Korup National Park
Baphia sp. Thomas D. 7662 Footpath between Ikenge and Bajo villages.

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