Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Vitex sp. Letouzey R. 11293 Près Ngat, à 10km au SSE de Mbalmayo.
Vitex sp. Letouzey R. 11294 Près Bikok, 35 Km SE de Yaoundé.
Vitex sp. Letouzey R. 12876 Près Ndogtima Nyong : 15km NE de l'embouchure du Nyong.
Vitex sp. Letouzey R. 13906 Massif du Nta Ali (1266m), pente au Sud de la côte 1009; 25km SE Mamfe.
Vitex sp. Letouzey R. 14635 Près Kendonge, reserve forest_ère de Bakundu : 13km SSW Kumba
Vitex sp. Mambo P. 10 Second growth forest near Mbu village, 10 km west of wone which is on the Kumba - Mamfe road.
Vitex sp. Mambo P. 52 Secondary forest and old plantation, near Mbu village, 10 km West of Wone, which is on the Kumba - Mamfe road.
Vitex sp. Manning S.D. 312 Road and forest above benedictine mission, Mt. Febe (Yaounde).
Vitex sp. Manning S.D. 630 In area just approx. SW of old Mbu village.
Vitex sp. Manning S.D. 1014 Along path from Bulu Camp, Pamol Plantation to Ekumbako, approx. 7km S. of Mundemba, Ndian div.
Vitex sp. Manning S.D. 1907 Near top of hill Akondoi NW of Handicapped Center, Etoug Ebe, (Yaounde)
Vitex sp. Manning S.D. 2031 Along and near the road from Libamba College to the river Nyong, approx; 7km ESE of Makak.
Vitex sp. Manning S.D. 2094 Along the footpath from jantibda, Canton Longe, to the River Nyong's shore, approx. 1Km S. Makak
Vitex sp. Mbarga A. 51 Subdivision Eseka, près de Badjob
Vitex sp. Meijer W. 15112 A A Yokadouma. Route de Yokadouma à Batouri vers km 120
Vitex sp. Meijer W. 15484 Garoua
Vitex sp. Mézili P. 70 Bordures de la Sanaga. Nanga-Eboko.
Vitex sp. Mikio 501 Mivini 35 km east of Campo.
Vitex sp. Mpom B. 132 Subdivision Edéa dans la forêt classée de Mangombe.
Vitex sp. Nana P. 54 Subdivision de Bertoua sur la route de Deng-Deng.

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