Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Uapaca sp. Tamaki 158 Ejagham Council Forest Reserve - South West Province.
Uapaca sp. Thomas D.W. 6186 2 km downstream of Akonolinga.
Uapaca sp. Thomas D.W. 7015 Village on Kumba mamfe road, river bank by hammock bridge.
Uapaca sp. Thomas D.W. 7272 Sangha River (International frontier) collected 30 kms from Libongo Southwards.
Uapaca sp. Thomas D.W. 8041 From Esukutang to Ekogate. Starting 5 km West of Esukutang.
Uapaca sp. Webb J. 489 Environs de Campo.

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