Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Tristemma sp. Bamps P.R.J. 1655 Kribi - Bipindi, bord de route, marécageux
Tristemma sp. Cheek M. 8203 Ekundu Kundu to Erat, c 2,5 km.
Tristemma sp. Cheek M. 9043 Road to Acha de Nkan, from Kodmin, c. 1 km.
Tristemma sp. Cheek M. 9051 Road to Acha de Nkan, from Kodmin, c. 1 km.
Tristemma sp. Cheek M. 9100 Kodmin to Muawhonzum 1km after junction for Loh Mt
Tristemma sp. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 7726 Ekouk ( Ekuk )23 km on the road from Ebolowa to Mbalmayo. Cacao plantations with remnants of forest-trees overhead
Tristemma sp. Fotius 3030 H. Guen Falabe, 48km NNW Tignère.
Tristemma sp. Jacques-Félix H. 9161 Forêt de Mbalmayo
Tristemma sp. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 5016 3 km E. of Eséka
Tristemma sp. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 5737 2 km N. of Nkolbisson, 7 km W. of Yaoundé
Tristemma sp. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 6689 9 km. W. of Lomié, along road to Eschienbot, E. of Palidor along path in light secondary forest
Tristemma sp. Letouzey R. 11120 Près Ibaïkak, 80km à l'ENE d'Edéa.
Tristemma sp. Letouzey R. 12579 Au sud de Ngola (8 Km E de l'embouchure de la Sanaga).
Tristemma sp. Lowe J. 3146 22 km on road from Lomié Eastwards
Tristemma sp. Manning S.D. 1226 Along the Nsanaragati river W. of the bridge on the road between Nsanaragati and the Eyumojok - Ekok road.
Tristemma sp. Manning S.D. 1227 Along the Nsanaragati river W. of the bridge on the road between Nsanaragati and the Eyumojok - Ekok road.
Tristemma sp. Mpom B. 418 Melen ( Station de pêche et pisciculture )
Tristemma sp. Raynal J. & A. 9923 Mékoassi (24 Km SW Ambam), brousse secondaire au N du village
Tristemma sp. Surville 206 Route Razel
Tristemma sp. Thomas D.W. 1185 Along road from Otu toward Ituoro, approx. 3km S. of Otu.

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