Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Triplotaxis stellulifera (Benth.) Hutch. Asonganyi J.N. 234 At Koungoulou, 73 km SE Akonolinga. IGN Akonolinga.
Triplotaxis stellulifera (Benth.) Hutch. B.E.S.H.M. 240 Bamenda
Triplotaxis stellulifera (Benth.) Hutch. Betti J. L. 109 Cameroun, Reserve de Faune Dja
Triplotaxis stellulifera (Benth.) Hutch. Biholong M. 320 Près village Matsari à 30km de Yoko, route Yoko - Ntui.
Triplotaxis stellulifera (Benth.) Hutch. Biholong M. 448 Ngoum - 36 Km N. de Yoko, axe Yoko-Tibati. IGN Yoko.
Triplotaxis stellulifera (Benth.) Hutch. Bos J.J. 3351 About 5 km. from Kribi, Ebolowa road, 2 55 N., 9 56 E
Triplotaxis stellulifera (Benth.) Hutch. Bos J.J. 3806 5,5 km S. of Kribi, Gr. Batanga road,
Triplotaxis stellulifera (Benth.) Hutch. C.N.A.D. 1525 Bassa
Triplotaxis stellulifera (Benth.) Hutch. Dang D. 703 Piste Ekekam - Metak.
Triplotaxis stellulifera (Benth.) Hutch. Hoshino 22 85 Réserve forestière de Campo
Triplotaxis stellulifera (Benth.) Hutch. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 5406 8 Km W. of Masok.
Triplotaxis stellulifera (Benth.) Hutch. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 6220 Left bank Boumba R., near ferry in road Madjé-Maséa, 8km SW of Madjé, a village on Km. 36 of road Yokadoua-Moloundou.
Triplotaxis stellulifera (Benth.) Hutch. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 6302 17 Km E. of Kopongo. along road to Masok, right bank Bolobo R.
Triplotaxis stellulifera (Benth.) Hutch. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 6343 24 Km. NE. of Douala, along road to Edéa.
Triplotaxis stellulifera (Benth.) Hutch. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 6510 3 Km. N. of Lomié.
Triplotaxis stellulifera (Benth.) Hutch. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 8250 Forêt de Bakaka, km 4 Eboné - Ekomtolo road (Eboné situated km 11 Nkongsamba - Loum road).
Triplotaxis stellulifera (Benth.) Hutch. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 9907 Forêt de Bakaka, 3 Km E of Eboné (a village on Km 11 Nkongsamba - Loum road).
Triplotaxis stellulifera (Benth.) Hutch. Lejoly J. 86 416 Nkolbison
Triplotaxis stellulifera (Benth.) Hutch. Letouzey R. 5143 A 25 Km au NE de Bangé (km 75 route Yokadouma - Moloundou). IGN Yokadouma.
Triplotaxis stellulifera (Benth.) Hutch. Letouzey R. 7525 Rives du Djerem près Gado (30 km au NNE de Gado). IGN Bagodo.

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