Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Thomandersia laurifolia (Benth.) Baill. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 5337 25 Km E. of Douala.
Thomandersia laurifolia (Benth.) Baill. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 5654 Longji (=Londji) River mouth, 20km N of Kribi.
Thomandersia laurifolia (Benth.) Baill. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 19410 49 Km SW Eseka, S. of Nyong R., about 1 km N of songbong.
Thomandersia laurifolia (Benth.) Baill. Letouzey R. 9207 10 Km environ à l'ESE de Campo
Thomandersia laurifolia (Benth.) Baill. Letouzey R. 13733 Entre rivières Bawan et Akoumayip sur piste d'Agbirjel (ex Issudubge) à Tabin 20km W. Mamfe. Flle IGN 1/2000 Mamfe.
Thomandersia laurifolia (Benth.) Baill. Lowe J. 3596 12Km South of Londji.
Thomandersia laurifolia (Benth.) Baill. Manning S.D. 1627 Just N. of Welele, between Yokadouma and Molundu.
Thomandersia laurifolia (Benth.) Baill. Mbarga A. 90 Subdivision d'Eséka près du Nyong.
Thomandersia laurifolia (Benth.) Baill. Nemba 4 Mature and secondary forest, Bolo forest, near Konye, 5km West of Kumba - Mamfe.
Thomandersia laurifolia (Benth.) Baill. Nkongmeneck B.-A. 698 3Km à l'Ouest du CES de Ndom sur la route de Ngambe. Flle IGN 1/2000 Ndikinimeki.
Thomandersia laurifolia (Benth.) Baill. Polhill 5213 Sanaga R., near Marienberg
Thomandersia laurifolia (Benth.) Baill. Thomas D. 2482 Disturbed rain forest at Barombi Kang Rest house. Map # NB 32 IV Buea - Douala.
Thomandersia laurifolia (Benth.) Baill. Thomas D. 4810 Farmland with secondary scrub near Kumba.
Thomandersia laurifolia (Benth.) Baill. Thomas D. 7212 Ndakan, Forest along the West bank of the Sangha river, opposite Mike Fay's cam at Ndakan.

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