Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Asplenium sp. Goetghebeur 4975 Foumban to Koumbo, Nkoutoupi, Mbam-massif.
Asplenium sp. Goetghebeur 4976 W. Province, way Foumban to Koumbo, Nkoutoupi, Mbam-massif.
Asplenium sp. Goetghebeur 4987 Foumban to Koumbo, Nkoutoupi Mbam-massif.
Asplenium sp. Goetghebeur 5019 Banyo, 3/4 way from Sambolabo to Mayo Kélélé.
Asplenium sp. Goetghebeur 5027 N province, Nof Bayo, N of Sambolabo, Mayo Kélélé, from the village to the market.
Asplenium sp. Goetghebeur 5028 N province, Nof Bayo, N of Sambolabo, Mayo Kélélé, from the village to the market.
Asplenium sp. Goetghebeur 5037 N province, N of Bayo, N of Sambolabo, Mayo Kélélé, from the village to the market, direction Dodéo.
Asplenium sp. Goetghebeur 5070 N province, N of Banyo, N of Sambolabo, Mayo Kélélé, NW side of Tchabal Mbabo, on the way to Dodéo.
Asplenium sp. Goetghebeur 5072 N. Province, N of Banyo, N of Sambolabo, Mayo Kélélé, NW side of Tchabal Mbabo, on the way to Dodéo.
Asplenium sp. Kamundi 678 Aboh in Boyo division, Ijim Mountain forest. Montane rain forest along yhe top of the ridge, second gate from Aboh village.
Asplenium sp. Koufani A. 127 Ngongonjie hill, near Akonekye. 2°30 S of Ebolowa.
Asplenium sp. Koufani A. 130 Ngongonjie hill, near Akonekye. 2°30 S of Ebolowa.
Asplenium sp. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 6542 3 km N of Lomié.
Asplenium sp. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 6907 18 km W of Bota, a village W of Victoria, between Batoke and Bakinguili, on base of Mt. Cameroun.
Asplenium sp. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 7756 Mali R. Fall, about 8 km N of Bétaré Oya
Asplenium sp. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 8225 Forêt de Bakaka, km 4, Eboné-Ekomtolo road (Eboné situated km 11 Nkongsamba - Loumm road).
Asplenium sp. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 8290 Manengouba Monts. base, 4 km WNW of Nkongsamba
Asplenium sp. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 8323 Manengouba Mts. base 4 km WNW of Nkongsamba.
Asplenium sp. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 8331 Forêt de Bakaka, 3 Km E of Eboné (a village on Km 11 Nkongsamba - Loum road).
Asplenium sp. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 8413 Manengouba Mts., WNW of Nkongsamba

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