Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Strophanthus thollonii Franch. Kr. (=Krukoff) 175 Subdivision de Kribi, près de Grand-Batanga au bord de la Lobé.
Strophanthus thollonii Franch. Kr. (=Krukoff) 189 Subdivision de Lolodorf, prèd de la Lokoundjé.
Strophanthus thollonii Franch. Kr. (=Krukoff) 190 Subdivision d'Eseka près du Nyong.
Strophanthus thollonii Franch. Kr. (=Krukoff) 198 Subdivision d'Eséka près du Nyong.
Strophanthus thollonii Franch. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 8758 Forêt de Bakaka, 3 km E. of Eboné, a village on km 11 Nkongsamba-Loum Road.
Strophanthus thollonii Franch. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 9119 Left bank Banouyé river, near confluence with Fangué river. On bank of Yingui area.
Strophanthus thollonii Franch. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 9499 Right bank Lokoundjé river, near Bipindi.
Strophanthus thollonii Franch. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 9724 Near bank Dibombé river, near bridge in Loum-Solé road (km 11).
Strophanthus thollonii Franch. Letouzey R. 9817 Bordure de la rivière Keling, 60km SSW de Bafia.
Strophanthus thollonii Franch. Letouzey R. 15264 Piste Meyo Ntem-Evouzok, 75 km W Ambam, entre 1er et 3eme bras du Ntem.
Strophanthus thollonii Franch. Lowe J. 3214 Beside river Nyong, near les chutes Mpoumé, (9km south of Makak).
Strophanthus thollonii Franch. Manning S.D. 893 Pamol plantation NW of Mundemba, Ndian division.
Strophanthus thollonii Franch. Nkongmeneck B.-A. 403 Canon du Ntem, à 16km SW de Nyabessan.
Strophanthus thollonii Franch. Thomas D.W. 2233 Korup Forest reserve.
Strophanthus thollonii Franch. Thomas D.W. 4278 Korup National park. Forest along bank of the Ndian River by PAMOL, Field 69.
Strophanthus thollonii Franch. Thomas D.W. 5392 Secondary forest near Mekom village, western Bakossi, 8km east of Konye on Kumba-Mamfe road.
Strophanthus thollonii Franch. Thomas D.W. 6781 Vicinity of Mudemba, Ndian division.

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