Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Sorindeia sp. Nkongmeneck B.-A. 731 Inang, 23 km SSE de Ndikinimeki
Sorindeia sp. Nkongmeneck B.-A. 842 Près Essoke, 65km de Kribi, sur la route de Campo.
Sorindeia sp. Onana J.-M. 235 Ebogo, env. 18km S. Mbalmayo.
Sorindeia sp. Satabié B. 733 Entre Mekom et Molongo : 35km NNE Kumba.
Sorindeia sp. Satabié B. 861 Environs de Mbilishe, dans la reserve forestière de Takamanda : 20km SSW Akwaya.
Sorindeia sp. Satabié B. 862 Environs de Mbilishe, dans la reserve forestière de Takamanda : 20km SSW Akwaya.
Sorindeia sp. Sonké B. 869 Réserve de faune de Dja,
Sorindeia sp. Sonké B. 888 Cameroun.
Sorindeia sp. Tamaki 139 Ejagam Council Forest, reserve in South West Province.
Sorindeia sp. Thomas D. 2193 Map # NB 32 IV Buea-Douala. At Barombi Camp, 5km S. of Kumba, on Buea - Douala road.
Sorindeia sp. Thomas D. 3057 Secondary forest around Nyasoso, at the base of Mount Koupé.
Sorindeia sp. Thomas D. 3280 Forest in the Rumpi Hills, near Dikome Balue.
Sorindeia sp. Thomas D. 4791 Cultivated area, N. side of Kumba-Mbonge road near Mabonji.
Sorindeia sp. Thomas D. 4808 Forest on North side of Meme river, just below Bal (Ekumbako) waterfall.
Sorindeia sp. Thomas D. 5495 Esoki
Sorindeia sp. Thomas D. 7008 Secondary forest and cocoa farm between Nyandong and Messaka villages.
Sorindeia sp. Thomas D. 7023 4 - 5 km E of Kribi, riverine forest of tributary to Kienke R.
Sorindeia sp. Thomas D.W. 67 Just East of the Mungo river at Karume on Kumba-Mamfe road.
Sorindeia sp. Villiers J.-F. 2395 Reserve Mokoko, Mundongo, 34 km WNW Muyuka.

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