Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Sabicea sp. Tadjouteu 524 Laikom palace. On the way from the palace to the villageous stream.
Sabicea sp. Thomas D. 3026 On the Southern slope of Mount Cameroon, above Batoke.
Sabicea sp. Thomas D. 3296 Near Dikome Balue.
Sabicea sp. Thomas D.W. 171 Bakossi mountains, around Ehumseh, Ntehol and Mejelet villages, West of Bangem.
Sabicea sp. Thomas D.W. 4948 1 - 3 km West of Ekondo-Titi - Mundemba road at Dibunda, 4km North of Ilor bridge.
Sabicea sp. Thomas D.W. 5118 4 km West of Batoke village on Limbe - Idenao road, at the base of Mt. Cameroon.
Sabicea sp. Thomas D.W. 5319 Bakossi Mountains, West of Bangem.
Sabicea sp. Thomas D.W. 5612 Southern end of Korup National Park.
Sabicea sp. Thomas D.W. 6696 Between Nyandong and Molongo.
Sabicea sp. Thomas D.W. 7260 30 km from Libongo southwards.
Sabicea sp. Thomas D.W. 7968 South of Esukutang village.
Sabicea sp. van der Zon A.P.M. 1989 Route Kribi - Campo, 35 km Sud de Kribi, Sud-Ouest Cameroun.
Sabicea sp. Webb J. 272 Environs de Campo.
Sabicea sp. Webb J. 342 Environs de Campo.

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