Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Rothmannia cf. hispida (K.Schum.) Fagerlind Nkongmeneck B.-A. 498 Ndiki village, 3km NW de Ndikinimeki. Flle IGN 1/2000 Ndikinimeki
Rothmannia cf. hispida (K.Schum.) Fagerlind Onana J.-M. 143 Route Eyumojock - Ekok ; 40 km E. Mamfe. Flle IGN 1/2000 Mamfe
Rothmannia cf. hispida (K.Schum.) Fagerlind Tadjouteu 96 Mt. Bamboutos, Fongo - Tongo, carte de Mamfe, chute de tomentchette. A 10 km de Fongo - Tongo
Rothmannia cf. hispida (K.Schum.) Fagerlind Tamaki 180 Ejagham Council Forest Reserve in South West Province
Rothmannia cf. hispida (K.Schum.) Fagerlind Thomas D. 3389 Between Baro and Ikenge villages
Rothmannia cf. hispida (K.Schum.) Fagerlind Thomas D.W. 4390 Near Kumba
Rothmannia cf. hispida (K.Schum.) Fagerlind Thomas D.W. 4952 1 - 3 km West of Ekondo-Titi - Mundemba road at Dibunda, 4km North of Ilor bridge
Rothmannia cf. hispida (K.Schum.) Fagerlind Thomas D.W. 5157 Near Konye ; 40 km North of Kumba
Rothmannia cf. hispida (K.Schum.) Fagerlind Thomas D.W. 5737 Korup National Park, along transect P and in 25 HA, study plot
Rothmannia cf. hispida (K.Schum.) Fagerlind Thomas D.W. 7684 Between Ikenge and Bajo villages, 3-6 kms NE of Ikenge
Rothmannia cf. hispida (K.Schum.) Fagerlind Tsoungui s.n. Environ Yaoundé
Rothmannia cf. hispida (K.Schum.) Fagerlind van der Burgt 532 Bidjouka (South Province)

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