Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Rinorea sp. Thomas D.W. 4741 Mature rain forest in the Korup National Park, collected between Ndian river at PALMOIL field 69 and 2,5 km on transect P.
Rinorea sp. Thomas D.W. 4802 Forest on north side of Meme river, just below Bal (Ekumbako) waterfall
Rinorea sp. Thomas D.W. 5381 Forested hillsides in the Bakossi Mountainns, West of Bangem
Rinorea sp. Thomas D.W. 5422 Forest along Mungo river by Kurume hammock bridge, 40km North of Kumba on Mamfe road
Rinorea sp. Thomas D.W. 5446 Secondary forest at Barombi lake, Kumba
Rinorea sp. Thomas D.W. 5556 Forest between Kindonge and small Ekombe, Southern Bakundu forest reserve
Rinorea sp. Thomas D.W. 5633 Old-growth forest along transect P, southern end of Korup National Park
Rinorea sp. Thomas D.W. 5739 Mature rain forest, at Southern end of Korup National Park, along transect ''P'' and in 25 HA
Rinorea sp. Thomas D.W. 5750 Mature rain forest, at Southern end of Korup National Park, along transect ''P'' and in 25 HA
Rinorea sp. Thomas D.W. 5863 Mature rain forest, at Southern end of Korup National Park, along transect ''P'' and in 25 HA
Rinorea sp. Thomas D.W. 5869 Mature rain forest, at Southern end of Korup National Park, along transect ''P'' and in 25 HA
Rinorea sp. Thomas D.W. 6698 Bakossi forest between Nyandong and Molongo
Rinorea sp. Thomas D.W. 6723 Korup National Park. Transect P
Rinorea sp. Thomas D.W. 6898 Korup National Park. Primary rain forest
Rinorea sp. Thomas D.W. 6936 Denis's bush cam, high forest with protomegabaria
Rinorea sp. Thomas D.W. 7208 Forest along the west bank of the Sangha River, opposite Mike Fay's camp at Ndakan
Rinorea sp. Thomas D.W. 7472 Roadside forest south of Baro village
Rinorea sp. Thomas D.W. 8222 Forest at Banyu last moto, between Sekim and Banyu
Rinorea sp. Tsoungui S.N Environs de Yaoundé
Rinorea sp. Villiers J.-F. 1001 Colline Nkoltsia, 23 km NW de Bipindi

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