Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Rinorea sp. Sonké B. 1474 Réserve de faune de Dja,
Rinorea sp. Sonké B. 1475 Réserve du Dja
Rinorea sp. Surville 671 Kompina
Rinorea sp. Surville 715 Dibombari
Rinorea sp. Swarbrick 2277 Victoria S.C.
Rinorea sp. Thomas D. 2125 Mature forest on Kala Mountain, 20 km W. of Yaoundé, on the Douala road
Rinorea sp. Thomas D. 2304 Rocky banks of the Mama River, with shrubs and small trees
Rinorea sp. Thomas D. 2318 Rocky bank of Mana River
Rinorea sp. Thomas D. 2587 Mature forest south of Unilor Plantation, southern Bakundu Forest Reserve
Rinorea sp. Thomas D. 2673 Korup National Park
Rinorea sp. Thomas D. 3230 Forest in the Korup National Park
Rinorea sp. Thomas D. 3317 Mature (old secondary) forest in north-eastern corner of Korup National Park; near Baro village
Rinorea sp. Thomas D. 3382 Footpath between Baro village and Manyemen ; old secondary forest and recently overgrown clearings.
Rinorea sp. Thomas D. 3425 Steep hillside on Ngovayang Mountain, above Bibondi village, near Lolodorf
Rinorea sp. Thomas D.W. 3482 Farm bush around Kumba
Rinorea sp. Thomas D.W. 4157 Forest between Bulu and Dibunda
Rinorea sp. Thomas D.W. 4238 Forest relicts in cultivated aeas, Mundemba town
Rinorea sp. Thomas D.W. 4271 Recently cleared secondary forest. Ekondo Titi - Mundemba road at edge of Ndian estate Pamol
Rinorea sp. Thomas D.W. 4290 Korup National park. Forest along bank of the Ndian River by PAMOL, Field 69
Rinorea sp. Thomas D.W. 4715 Mature rain forest in the Korup National Park, collected between Ndian river at Palmol field 69 and 2,5 km on transect P.

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