Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Piper umbellatum L. Beentje H.J. 1593 Cameroun, 8 km of Djoum
Piper umbellatum L. Bos J.J. 7528 Pygmée-village about 5 km N of km 7 Kribi-Ebolowa road.
Piper umbellatum L. Breteler F.J. 429 Plateau of the Adamaoua. Ground of the cattle breeding Centre at Wakwa, 10 km South of Ngaoundéré.
Piper umbellatum L. Breteler F.J. 661 Doumé. Old native plantation grounds with some trees and shrubs
Piper umbellatum L. Cheek M. 8199 Ekundokundo in Ndian division.
Piper umbellatum L. Cheek M. 9024 Kodmin village, spring fed water from Ngweu stream.
Piper umbellatum L. C.N.A.D. 1475 Bitang
Piper umbellatum L. C.N.A.D. 1746 Bafou
Piper umbellatum L. de Kruif A.P.M. 845 26 km W of Béla (along Sangha River, near C.A.R. border, about 82 km E of Lokomo, km 120 road Yokadouma - Moloundou.
Piper umbellatum L. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 8211 Forêt de Bakaka, km 4 Ebone-Ekomtolo road. (Ebone situated km 11 Nkongsamba - Loum road.
Piper umbellatum L. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 9936 A km S. of Melong.
Piper umbellatum L. Leiderer 46 Bafia
Piper umbellatum L. Letouzey R. 2499 Vallon forestier au Nord du Lac Mbella Assom.
Piper umbellatum L. Manning S.D. 289 Forest across parking lot from Benedictine Mission. Febe, Yaoundé.
Piper umbellatum L. Manning S.D. 549 At and near bank of Rier Mungo W. of old Mbu, (Via Koba), approx. 3 km SW of Ebimi.
Piper umbellatum L. Nemba 222 Baduma forest, near Konye on the Kumba - Mamfe road.
Piper umbellatum L. Raynal J. & A. 9539 Nkolbisson (8 km W. Yaoundé).
Piper umbellatum L. SCA 151 Victoria, S.C.
Piper umbellatum L. SCA s.n. Kumba
Piper umbellatum L. Surville 315 Bafoussam

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