Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Pentas sp. aff. schimperiana (A.Rich.) Vatke Onana J.-M. 542 Aboh village.
Pentas sp. aff. schimperiana (A.Rich.) Vatke Raynal J. 13111 Poli, massif du Vokré. 14 km S. Poli.
Pentas sp. aff. schimperiana (A.Rich.) Vatke Satabié B. 753 Reserve forestière de Bafut Ngamba : 10 km ESE Bamenda. Flle IGN 1/2000 Bafoussam.
Pentas sp. aff. schimperiana (A.Rich.) Vatke SCA 1168 Bamenda
Pentas sp. aff. schimperiana (A.Rich.) Vatke Sect. Rech. Forest. Cam. (R. Let.) s.n. Section de Recherches Forestières du Cameroun.
Pentas sp. aff. schimperiana (A.Rich.) Vatke Swarbrick 2401 Manengouba, Kumba.
Pentas sp. aff. schimperiana (A.Rich.) Vatke Thomas D. 3148 Crater of Manengouba
Pentas sp. aff. schimperiana (A.Rich.) Vatke Thomas D.E. 4631 Mont Cameroun, near the radio station.
Pentas sp. aff. schimperiana (A.Rich.) Vatke Thomas D.W. 6012 Lake Oku and Mount Oku.

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