Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Pauridiantha canthiiflora Hook.f. Stévart 4140 Mabounié. Forest, east of the site. Near IRD vegetation plot 4, Mabon 2.
Pauridiantha canthiiflora Hook.f. Stévart 4212 Mabounié. Mining exploitation area. Along a mining road.
Pauridiantha canthiiflora Hook.f. Strijk 146 Bordamur consession area, some 48 km from WWF-station, on large Inselberg near logging road construction site.
Pauridiantha canthiiflora Hook.f. Valkenburg 3009 former extraction road system accessible from Peni CBG chantier.

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