Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Anthonotha sp. Asonganyi J.N. 650 At lac tissongo 16 km EES of Muanko
Anthonotha sp. Bos J.J. 3978 About 18 Km from kribi, Lolodorf road.
Anthonotha sp. Bos J.J. 4016 About 9 Km N of Kribi.
Anthonotha sp. Bos J.J. 4017 About 9 Km N. of Kibi
Anthonotha sp. Bos J.J. 4129 About 19km from Kribi, Lolodorf road
Anthonotha sp. Bos J.J. 4445 12km from Kribi, between Ebolowa road and Kienke R.
Anthonotha sp. Bos J.J. 5945 7km S. of Kribi, Lobé lagoon
Anthonotha sp. Bullock S.H. 662 Viciity (within 15 km) of Nkoelon
Anthonotha sp. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 7623 Station de cacaoyer de Nkoemvone, 14 km on the road from Ebolowa tto Ambam
Anthonotha sp. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 8086 17 Km . S. of Lobé River along the road to Campo.
Anthonotha sp. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 8272 About 30 Km. On the recently reconstructed road from Ebolowa to Minkok, and than about 2 Km. W. along a forest exploitation track.
Anthonotha sp. Fotius 3071 Djombi-Mbidem 45 km SE Tignère
Anthonotha sp. inconnu s.n. Indéterminée
Anthonotha sp. inconnu s.n. Indéterminée.
Anthonotha sp. Inst. Rech. Cam. s.n. Près de Yaounde
Anthonotha sp. Koufani A. 178 Ebolowa, Foot-path Mendjimi-Eselang on road Ambam - Ako Asas.
Anthonotha sp. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 9500 Rght band Lokoundje River, near Bipindi
Anthonotha sp. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 9921 5 km NE of Dibombe, a village on Km 11 of Loum-Yabassi road
Anthonotha sp. Lejoly J. 86 552 Mont Eloumden, 10 km au SW de Yaoundé
Anthonotha sp. Letouzey R. 5621 Entre Mpan et Badekok (50km ENE et Est de Lomié)

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