Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Millettia sp. Asonganyi J.N. 204 In the forest at Nkolembembe, 65 Km SE Akonolinga. IGN 1/200000 Akonolinga
Millettia sp. Asonganyi J.N. 752 Banks of Lake Tissongo, 16 Km EES of Mouanko
Millettia sp. Bamps P.R.J. 1424 Badjob - Nyong, km 14
Millettia sp. Bamps P.R.J. s.n. Indéterminée.
Millettia sp. Bena P. s.n. Indéterminée.
Millettia sp. Biholong M. 209 50km OSO de Banyo-Massif de SONGOLA
Millettia sp. Biholong M. 283 Près d'Alati, nouvelle route Alati - Mintom
Millettia sp. Bos J.J. 3004 1,5km S. of Kribi
Millettia sp. Bos J.J. 3482 2km S. of Kribi, on straembank, close to seashore
Millettia sp. Bos J.J. 3995 Lobe R., about 5km., above the falls, edge riverine forest
Millettia sp. Bos J.J. 4174 Lobe R., mouth : 7km S. of Kribi
Millettia sp. Bos J.J. 4284 Neglected cassava gardens, on banks of Kienke R., just E. of Kribi.
Millettia sp. Bos J.J. 5077 10k N. of Kribi
Millettia sp. Bos J.J. 5276 Between Ndoumale and Gr. Batanga
Millettia sp. Bos J.J. 7095 N. bank Kienke R., quartier Bassa
Millettia sp. Bos J.J. 7203 20km S. of Kribi
Millettia sp. Breteler F.J. 1098 Border of the river Mba, 50km NW of Betaré-Oya
Millettia sp. Breyne H. 5073 Chutes, embouchures de la Lobé
Millettia sp. Cheek M. 8607 Elak
Millettia sp. Daramola B.O. s.n. Kumba. Along the motor road between Bombe Rest House and the Mbalangi F/A2 Rest House

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