Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Marantochloa sp. Manning S.D. 1622 Just N of Welele, between Yokadouma and Molundu.
Marantochloa sp. Manning S.D. 1657 1 km SE of Biwala, approx. 13 km Se of Yokadouma.
Marantochloa sp. Manning S.D. 1864 Bongossi Research plot of the Herbier National Camerounais on and near the N. shore of the Sanaga River just E. of Yaoundé-Bafia Road.
Marantochloa sp. Mézili P. 246 Pongo - Songo (Mouanko) Edéa.
Marantochloa sp. Mikio 119 Mivini 35km east of Campo.
Marantochloa sp. Mpom B. 332 Aux abords du pont du Nyong, Mbalmayo-ville.
Marantochloa sp. Nemba 776 Molongo forest western Bakossi
Marantochloa sp. Satabié B. 453 Près Bintoum, 60 Km SSW de Yokadouma.
Marantochloa sp. Sonké B. 759 Layon Nord / Sud à partir de Dlolimpoun (entre Somalomo et Malen)
Marantochloa sp. Thomas D.W. 3388 Footpath between Baro and Manyemen.
Marantochloa sp. Thomas D.W. 4443 Forest and meadows on gently sloping side of Mount Cameroun above small Koto village.
Marantochloa sp. Thomas D.W. 4508 Secondary scrub and low canopy forest around small Koto (J-P Gautier study area for Cercopithecus l'Hoesti preussi.
Marantochloa sp. Thomas D.W. 4747 Korup national park, between the Ndian River at PAMOL field and 2.5 km on transect P.
Marantochloa sp. Thomas D.W. 5141 0.5 km west of Ekondotiti - Mundemba road near Dibunda village.
Marantochloa sp. Thomas D.W. 6151 Lake Tissongo.
Marantochloa sp. Thomas D.W. 6168 Lake Tissongo.
Marantochloa sp. Thomas D.W. 6282 Bank of the Nyong river, 2km downstream of Akonolinga, Tom Smith's seedcracker research site.
Marantochloa sp. Thomas D.W. 7693 Korup National Park, near Baro village.
Marantochloa sp. Thomas D.W. 8103 Forest and second growth around Erat village in southwest corner of the Korup National Park.
Marantochloa sp. Thomas D.W. 8116 Forest and second growth around Erat village in southwest corner of the Korup National Park.

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