Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Maesobotrya sp. Satabié B. 891 Environs rivière Makoné, dans reserve forestière TAKAMANDA : 25 km SSW Akwaya. Flle IGN 1/2000 Akwaya.
Maesobotrya sp. Sonké B. 540 Layon nord-sud à partir de Djolimpoun (entre Somalomo-Malen)
Maesobotrya sp. Sonké B. 763 Layon nord-sud à partir de Djolimpoun (entre Somalomo-Malen)
Maesobotrya sp. Sonké B. 1327 Cameroun, Réserve de faune du Dja. Djolimpoun, layon nord-sud
Maesobotrya sp. Surville 790 Kompina
Maesobotrya sp. Surville 795 Kompina
Maesobotrya sp. Thomas D. 2106 Mature forest on Kala Mountain, 20 km W. of Yaoundé, on si of Douala road.
Maesobotrya sp. Thomas D. 2168 Map # - NB 32 IV Buea-Douala. Secondary and mature forest at Barombi Kang, 5 km S. of Kumba on Buea/Douala road.
Maesobotrya sp. Thomas D. 3359 Mature (old secondary) forest in North-eastern corner of Korup National Park ; near Baro village.
Maesobotrya sp. Thomas D. 4708 Mature rain forest in the Korup National Park, collected between Ndian river at Palmol field, 69 and 2,5 km on transect P.
Maesobotrya sp. Thomas D. 4709 Mature rain forest, in the Korup National Park, collected between the Ndian River at PAMOL field and 2,5 km on tansect ''P''.
Maesobotrya sp. Thomas D. 6270 Banks of the Nyong river, 2 km downstream of Akonolinga.
Maesobotrya sp. Thomas D. 8124 Forest and second growth around Erat village in southwest corner of the Korup National Park.
Maesobotrya sp. Tsoungui s.n. Chantier Coron près de Yaoundé.
Maesobotrya sp. Villiers J.-F. 1291 Lac Bémé, 3 km W. Babuboh, 14 km WNW Bangem. Flle IGN 1/2000 Mamfe.

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