Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Maesobotrya barteri (Baill.) Hutch. Manning S.D. 1796 Forest to approx. 1 km SW of Bombe, Bakundu, approx. 20 km S. of Kumba.
Maesobotrya barteri (Baill.) Hutch. Manning S.D. 2133 On the hill Nkol Nlong approx. 15 km W. of Nkolbisson (Yaoundé). Approx. 1 km S. of old Yaoundé-Douala road.
Maesobotrya barteri (Baill.) Hutch. Nkongmeneck B.-A. 1014 Environ de Mvini, à 34km à l'Est de Campo. Flle IGN 1/2000 Kribi - Nyabessan.
Maesobotrya barteri (Baill.) Hutch. Thomas D. 4683 Indéterminé
Maesobotrya barteri (Baill.) Hutch. Thomas D. 7518 Old-growth forest on flat, sandy are between Baro and Ikenge village, along foot path in the Korup National ParK
Maesobotrya barteri (Baill.) Hutch. Thomas D. 7810 Ajaman, near Norlthern edge of Korup National Park.
Maesobotrya barteri (Baill.) Hutch. Thomas D.W. 7711 Forest around Masaka-Batanga.

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