Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Leptonychia sp. Thomas D.W. 4154 Korup National Parc.
Leptonychia sp. Thomas D.W. 4341 Korup National Parc. Forest along footpath from Ndian river at PAMOL field 69 and transect P.
Leptonychia sp. Thomas D.W. 4408 Forest along bank of Ndian river, near PAMOL field 69, Korup National park.
Leptonychia sp. Thomas D.W. 4475 Forest and meadows on the gently sloping side of Mount Cameroon, above small Koto village
Leptonychia sp. Thomas D.W. 4535 Takamanda forest reserve, mature rain forest. Near Matene
Leptonychia sp. Thomas D.W. 5156 Konye
Leptonychia sp. Thomas D.W. 5531 Ayong
Leptonychia sp. Thomas D.W. 5656 Nganjo, West bank of Meme river on kumba Mbonge road.
Leptonychia sp. Thomas D.W. 5656 Meme River.
Leptonychia sp. Thomas D.W. 6156 Lake Tissongo.
Leptonychia sp. Thomas D.W. 6156 Lake Tissongo
Leptonychia sp. Thomas D.W. 7598 Korup National Park.
Leptonychia sp. Thomas D.W. 7839 Ajaman, near Norlthern edge of Kolrup National Park.
Leptonychia sp. Thomas D.W. 8198 Near Mike Fay's camp at Ndakan, 40km South of Bela on the East bank of Sangha River.
Leptonychia sp. Villiers J.-F. 2327 5 km SE Mundongo, 34 km WNW Muyuka
Leptonychia sp. Wild H. 7885 Hill roughly between Nkolandom and Nkoemvone.
Leptonychia sp. Wild H. 8261 16 km on the newly reconstructed road from Ebolowa to Minko.
Leptonychia sp. Wild H. 8455 Zingui Hill, 24 km on the road from Ebolowa to Kribi, counted from the crossing at Ebolowa.
Leptonychia sp. Wild H. 8477 Hill facing Nkolandom, 4km on the road from Nkoemvone to Akoakas (counting from the crossing at Nkoemvone).

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