Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Landolphia sp. Asonganyi J.N. 13 Around Ngolebang 42km SE Mbalmayo.
Landolphia sp. Asonganyi J.N. 88 Between Kondebilong and Meyila 53 Km SE M'balmayo.
Landolphia sp. Betti J. L. 31 Cameroun, Réserve de faune du Dja
Landolphia sp. Betti J. L. 312 Cameroun, Reserve de Faune Dja
Landolphia sp. Biholong M. 237 80km SW de Banyo-Plaine Tikar.
Landolphia sp. Biholong M. 504 Meting. 15km W Matsari, piste Matsari-Linte.
Landolphia sp. Cheek M. 9113 Kodmin
Landolphia sp. Coll. Nat. Agric. 848 Ngaoundere
Landolphia sp. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 7919 16km on the recently reconstructed road from Ebolowa to Minkok, and than about 1km to the left, along a forest.
Landolphia sp. Endengle E. 74 Subdivision de Yaoundé. Km 7 route Douala. Près du centre agronomique de Nkolbisson.
Landolphia sp. Fotius 2151 Mungo.
Landolphia sp. Fotius 2175 Mango.
Landolphia sp. Goetghebeur 4935 W. Prov. Way Foumban to Koumbo, Nkoutoupi, Mbam massif.
Landolphia sp. Koufani A. 118 Ngongonjie hill, near Akonekye. 2°30 S of Ebolowa.
Landolphia sp. Koufani A. 163 Ngongonjie hill, near Akonekye. 2°30 S of Ebolowa.
Landolphia sp. Koufani A. 227 Bank of Boro, near Akonetye. 2°30 S of Ebolowa.
Landolphia sp. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 8337 Manengouba Mts base, WNW of Nkongsamba.
Landolphia sp. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 11571 Km 5 Mbalmayo-Yaoundé road.
Landolphia sp. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 11587 W of Soo, Soo river right bank, near bright on km 26 Mbalmayo-Ebolowa road.
Landolphia sp. Letouzey R. 2960 Entre Letta et Viali, près Letta.

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