Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Argomuellera macrophylla Pax Bissiengou P. 461 route qui mêne au village Imanga à 11 km de Tchibanga.
Argomuellera macrophylla Pax Bissiengou P. 670 c. 8 km SSW of Mitzic, FOREENEX forest exploitation.
Argomuellera macrophylla Pax Bissiengou P. 1013 Lopé hotel.
Argomuellera macrophylla Pax Breteler F.J. 10917 c. 5-30 km NNW of Ndjolé.
Argomuellera macrophylla Pax Breteler F.J. 11004 c. 5-30 km NNW of Ndjolé.
Argomuellera macrophylla Pax Breteler F.J. 14690 M'Boumi, chantier SHM, c. 30km S of Ndjolé, on border of the Ogooué river near Ndjolé.
Argomuellera macrophylla Pax Dauby G.V. 2344 concession de CEB, Nord de la zone de Milolé, Sud du Parc National de l'Ivindo.
Argomuellera macrophylla Pax de Wilde J.J.F.E. 11365 Gamba. Mouth of the N'Dogo Lagoon into Atlantic ocean. Petit Loanga Wildlife reserve.
Argomuellera macrophylla Pax de Wilde J.J.F.E. 11571 Massif de Koumounabwali. 16 km along the Bondolo river, counting from the road Lambaréné-Fougamou.
Argomuellera macrophylla Pax Floret 1899 Piste Boué vers l'Ivindo, km 12.
Argomuellera macrophylla Pax Floret 1918 Piste de la Lopé, 6 km après le bac de Petit Okano.
Argomuellera macrophylla Pax Harris D.J. 8646 Loango National Park, east side of Rembo Nyoungou river, c. 2 km upstream from Akaka camp.
Argomuellera macrophylla Pax Issembé Y. A. 273 Camp Mboumi, Base.
Argomuellera macrophylla Pax Louis A.M. 2169 chantier Oveng vers Mitzic.
Argomuellera macrophylla Pax Maesen 5540 6 km E of Lastoursville Railway bridge, 16 km E of Lastoursville Road bridge. Chantier SBL.
Argomuellera macrophylla Pax Ngok Banak L. 200 Inselberg Milobo.
Argomuellera macrophylla Pax Ngok Banak L. 279 Inselberg Milobo.
Argomuellera macrophylla Pax Simons 246 Libreville. P2 : Parcelle 2 : Arboretum de Sibang.
Argomuellera macrophylla Pax Sosef 2156 Chantier Bambidie, c. 43 km on the road to Okondja - Lelama.
Argomuellera macrophylla Pax Sosef 2378 Doudou Mountains National Parc, c. 30 km S of Mandji, E of Mont Igoumbi.

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