Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Glossocalyx brevipes Benth. var. brevipes Bamps P.R.J. 1368 Route de chantier forestier au S de Nyong.
Glossocalyx brevipes Benth. var. brevipes Bos J.J. 3592 15 km. from Kribi, Edea road
Glossocalyx brevipes Benth. var. brevipes Bos J.J. 3743 15 km .N. of Kribi, riverine forest on bank of Mpolongwe
Glossocalyx brevipes Benth. var. brevipes Bos J.J. 4659 16 km. N. of Kribi, coastal high forest.
Glossocalyx brevipes Benth. var. brevipes Bos J.J. 5095 20 km. from Kribi, 3 km. N. of Lolodorf
Glossocalyx brevipes Benth. var. brevipes Bos J.J. 6278 20 km. from Kribi, 2 km. N. of Lolodorf road, high forest exploitation, ( SFIA )
Glossocalyx brevipes Benth. var. brevipes Bos J.J. 6650 3 km. N. of km. 20 on Kribi - Lolodorf road, secondary regrowth bordering exploitation road in high forest ( SFIA ).
Glossocalyx brevipes Benth. var. brevipes Cheek M. 8130 Ekundukundu
Glossocalyx brevipes Benth. var. brevipes de Wilde J.J.F.E. 7808 6km. On the road from Campo to kribi
Glossocalyx brevipes Benth. var. brevipes de Wilde J.J.F.E. 8688 About 15 km. along the road from Kribi to Ebolowa
Glossocalyx brevipes Benth. var. brevipes Jacques-Félix H. 9189 Lolodorf-Mont Minn.
Glossocalyx brevipes Benth. var. brevipes Letouzey R. 11171 Près Ndoktiba sur route Bafang - Yabassi, 15 km au SSE de Nkondjok. Flle IGN 1/2000 Ndikiniméki.
Glossocalyx brevipes Benth. var. brevipes Letouzey R. 15305 10 Km NE Campo.
Glossocalyx brevipes Benth. var. brevipes Mikio 436 Mivini 35 km east of Campo.
Glossocalyx brevipes Benth. var. brevipes Mikio A 964 Mvini 35 km east of Campo
Glossocalyx brevipes Benth. var. brevipes Mitani 371 Mvini à Campo
Glossocalyx brevipes Benth. var. brevipes Nemba 62 Bolo forest, 2 km West of Kumba - Mamfe road near Konye
Glossocalyx brevipes Benth. var. brevipes Nemba 296 Mile 12 Mamfe road between Kumba and Baduma.
Glossocalyx brevipes Benth. var. brevipes Thomas D.W. 4930 Mature forest, 1 - 3 km west of Ekondotiti - Mundemba road at Dibunda, 4 km north of Ilor bridge
Glossocalyx brevipes Benth. var. brevipes Thomas D.W. 5241 Secondary forest near Mekong village, western Bakossi 8 km east of Konye on Kumba-Mamfe road

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