Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Garcinia sp. Thomas D.W. 2675 Korup national Par.
Garcinia sp. Thomas D.W. 3033 Korup national Par.
Garcinia sp. Thomas D.W. 3306 Forest in the Rumpi Hills, near Dikome Balue.
Garcinia sp. Thomas D.W. 4876 10kms West of Banga
Garcinia sp. Thomas D.W. 4877 10kms west of Banga
Garcinia sp. Thomas D.W. 5311 Forested hillsides in Bakossi Mountains, west of Bangem.
Garcinia sp. Thomas D.W. 5441 Korup national Par.
Garcinia sp. Thomas D.W. 5480 Forest on the west side of Mont Koupe.
Garcinia sp. Thomas D.W. 5494 Forest on the west side of Mont Koupe.
Garcinia sp. Thomas D.W. 5895 Bolo forest on Kumba - Mamfe road, 50 km north of Kumba.
Garcinia sp. Thomas D.W. 6287 Banks of the Nyong river, 2 km downstream of Akonolinga.
Garcinia sp. Villiers J.-F. 1256 Versant au Sud d'Enyandong, 6 km WNW de Bangem.
Garcinia sp. Villiers J.-F. 1257 Versant au Sud d'Enyandong, 6 km WNW Bangem IGN. Mamfé.
Garcinia sp. Villiers J.-F. 1274 Versant N. Enyandong, 6km WNW Bangam. Flle IGN 1/2000 Mamfé.

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