Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Gaertnera paniculata Benth. Nek 751 Gamba-S, 5 km S of Yenzi.
Gaertnera paniculata Benth. Ngok Banak L. 1735 Mt. Sassamongo, rocky plateau W of Sassamongo village.
Gaertnera paniculata Benth. Ngok Banak L. 1810 c. 4km NNW of Ikei-Bokaboka, Bengoué Mountain.
Gaertnera paniculata Benth. Simons 408 Pointe Denis/Pongara/Ovingombé.
Gaertnera paniculata Benth. Simons 547 Pointe Denis/Pongara/Ovingombé.
Gaertnera paniculata Benth. Simons 1065 Parc National Pongara, Pointe Pongara.
Gaertnera paniculata Benth. Sosef 1641 ca 7km au Nord de Batanga.
Gaertnera paniculata Benth. Sosef 2727 Pélé Mountains, c. 27 km on the road Tchibanga - Moulengui Binza (counted from the bifurcation with road to Mayumba), village Birougou, and then 12 km on a track in SW direction to village Bikamba, from there following track in direction of and up the hil
Gaertnera paniculata Benth. Stévart 4360 Belinga Mountain. On the ridge.
Gaertnera paniculata Benth. van Bergen M.A. 105 road to Vera, 32 km from junction with road to Mayonami.
Gaertnera paniculata Benth. Wieringa J.J. 1350 20 km E of Gamba airport.
Gaertnera paniculata Benth. Wieringa J.J. 4040 Mt. Sassamongo, rocky plateau W of Sassamongo village.
Gaertnera paniculata Benth. Wieringa J.J. 5503 5 km on a forestry road to Koumounabwali Mountains from Bembodié.
Gaertnera paniculata Benth. Wilde (WALK-B) 572 45 km along the road M'Bigou - Lebamba.
Gaertnera paniculata Benth. Wilde (WALK-B) 637 mayumba peninsular, c. 15 km S of Maynumba town, the surf of the ocean within hearing distance.

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