Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Dorstenia elliptica Bureau Farron C. 7307 South Bakundu forest reserve.
Dorstenia elliptica Bureau Hijman M.E.E. 317 Subdivision of Kumba, S. Bakundu Reserve, ca. 500 m W. of road Buea-Kumba, along track to Kendonge camp.
Dorstenia elliptica Bureau Hijman M.E.E. 323 Subdivision of Kumba, S.Bakundu Reserve, ca. 1 km W. of road Buea-Kumba, along track to Kendonge camp.
Dorstenia elliptica Bureau Hijman M.E.E. 346 Subdivision of Kumba, Bakundu forest Reserve, ca.2 Km. W. of Kendonge camp.Along forest-track.
Dorstenia elliptica Bureau Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 9781 S Bakundu forest, near Kindongi camp.
Dorstenia elliptica Bureau Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 10348 22 Km W. of Loum, W. of Mungo R.
Dorstenia elliptica Bureau Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 10609 Km 30 Kumba-Victoria Road, S. of bombe.
Dorstenia elliptica Bureau Letouzey R. 14601 Metoko Ma Bekondo (25 Km WSW Kumba).
Dorstenia elliptica Bureau Letouzey R. 14831 10 Km NE Victoria
Dorstenia elliptica Bureau Manning S.D. 501 Approx. 5 Km beyong Ki4ndonge Camp toward Ekambe, Kindonge-Ekambe road, Southern Bakundu Forest reserve, SE of Kumba.
Dorstenia elliptica Bureau Manning S.D. 1071 Along path between Barumbi village and huts approx. 1 km W. of Lake Barumbi Mbo, NW of Kumba.
Dorstenia elliptica Bureau Manning S.D. 1102 Along road from main Kumba-Muyuka road past Kindonge camp, Southern Bakundu Forest reserve. Approx. 17 Km S. and 13 Km W. of Kumba by road.
Dorstenia elliptica Bureau Nkongmeneck B.-A. 980 Mokoko River forest reserve, au Nord Ouest du Mont Cameroun.
Dorstenia elliptica Bureau SCA 1957 Mayo Gashiga.
Dorstenia elliptica Bureau Thomas D.W. 2144 Barombi Camp, 5 km S of Kumba on Douala road.
Dorstenia elliptica Bureau Thomas D.W. 2511 Southern Bakundu forest reserve.
Dorstenia elliptica Bureau Thomas D.W. 2589 South of Unalor Plantation, southern Bakundu Forest Reserve.
Dorstenia elliptica Bureau Thomas D.W. 5958 30 Km West of Kumba on Mbonge road.
Dorstenia elliptica Bureau Thomas D.W. 6115 Vicinity of Lake Barombi, Kumba.
Dorstenia elliptica Bureau Villiers J.-F. 2352 Reserve de Mokoko, Mundongo, 34 Km WNW Muyuka.

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