Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Aidia micrantha (K.Schum.) White Asonganyi J.N. 189 65km SE Akonolinga : Map IGN 1/2000 Akonolinga.
Aidia micrantha (K.Schum.) White Beentje H.J. 1596 Djoum
Aidia micrantha (K.Schum.) White Bos J.J. 4880 28km from Kribi, Bidou I Lolodorf road.
Aidia micrantha (K.Schum.) White Breteler F.J. 658 Doumé, near catholic mission.
Aidia micrantha (K.Schum.) White Breteler F.J. 687 Bertoua, near Catholic mission
Aidia micrantha (K.Schum.) White Breteler F.J. 867 5km E. of Bertoua, bifurcation Batouri - Betaré Oya.
Aidia micrantha (K.Schum.) White Breteler F.J. 1022 5km along road to Batouri and Bétaré Oya.
Aidia micrantha (K.Schum.) White Breteler F.J. 1872 3 km along road to Nanga-Eboko.
Aidia micrantha (K.Schum.) White Breteler F.J. 2906 Between Ebaka and Ndemba I. 46 Km NW OF Bertoua.. Flle IGN 1/2000 Bertoua.
Aidia micrantha (K.Schum.) White Breyne H. 5088 Village Tshandja (km 10 Doumé - Dimako).
Aidia micrantha (K.Schum.) White Cheek M. 3036 Limbe Botanic Garden Herbarium. (South West Province.).
Aidia micrantha (K.Schum.) White de Wilde J.J.F.E. 7731 23 km on the road from Ebolowa to Mbalmayo.
Aidia micrantha (K.Schum.) White de Wilde J.J.F.E. 7862 Hill facing Nkolandom I, 4km on the road from Nkoemvone to Akoakas, counted from the crossing at Nkoemvone.
Aidia micrantha (K.Schum.) White de Wilde W.J.J.O. 1456 Ca. 30 km WNW of Eséka, W. of Yaoundé.
Aidia micrantha (K.Schum.) White de Wilde W.J.J.O. 1589 Ca. 15km S. of Badjob, SW of Eséka.
Aidia micrantha (K.Schum.) White Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 5789 35km E. of Yaoundé, along road to Ayos.
Aidia micrantha (K.Schum.) White Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 5789 35km E. of Yaoundé, along road to Ayos.
Aidia micrantha (K.Schum.) White Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 6626 5 km N. of Lomié, near Bingongol.
Aidia micrantha (K.Schum.) White Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 7460 Right bank Mélé R., left bank tributary, 30km N. of Eséka, E. of road to Mbanga.
Aidia micrantha (K.Schum.) White Letouzey R. 1681 Flle IGN 1/2000 Nanga Eboko.

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