Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Crotonogyne manniana Müll.Arg. Letouzey R. 15104 Près Masore, 8 km NW Ekondo Titi. Flle IGN 1/2000 Ekondo-Titi.
Crotonogyne manniana Müll.Arg. Letouzey R. 15348 Massif des Mamelles : 50km S. Kribi, entre côtes 249 et 323.
Crotonogyne manniana Müll.Arg. Letouzey R. 15348 Massif des Mamelles : 50km S. Kribi.Flle IGN 1/2000 Kribi.
Crotonogyne manniana Müll.Arg. Manning S.D. 1688 Area immediately adjacent to or less than 1 km S. of rest house at Kindonge Camp, Southern Bakundu Forest Reserve.
Crotonogyne manniana Müll.Arg. Mézili P. 52 40 km : route Djoum - Oveng.
Crotonogyne manniana Müll.Arg. Mikio 290 35 km East of Campo.
Crotonogyne manniana Müll.Arg. Mikio B 346 Mivini : 35km East of Campo.
Crotonogyne manniana Müll.Arg. Thomas D. 2550 Map # MB 32 IV Buea-Douala. Mature forest on E. side of Ekondo-Mundemba road, 5 km S. of Ilor.
Crotonogyne manniana Müll.Arg. Thomas D. 3394 Old growth forest in Douala-Edea reserve, near Lac Tissongo.
Crotonogyne manniana Müll.Arg. Thomas D. 4181 Forest and swamp in the vicinity of Masore, 6 km N. of Ekondo Titi on Mundemba road, both sides of the road.
Crotonogyne manniana Müll.Arg. Thomas D. 4980 10 km west of Kumba - Mamfe road at supe.

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