Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Cola digitata Mast. Stévart 4413 Mabounié. Northwest part of the mine.
Cola digitata Mast. Stone 3667 Ivindo National Park. On trail to Langoué Bai; c. 1 km west of Bai.
Cola digitata Mast. Towns 1001 between Tchimbele-Kinguele.
Cola digitata Mast. Wieringa J.J. 2393 c. 20 km NE of Coucal/Yeno, Ofoubou-area.
Cola digitata Mast. Wieringa J.J. 3115 5 km on road Etéké to Ovala.
Cola digitata Mast. Wieringa J.J. 3810 road Mékambo to Makokou, 3 km W of Mbela-Baya.
Cola digitata Mast. Wieringa J.J. 5240 12 km on Rimbunan Hijau forestry road 2-1 and 2-1A.

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