Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Cathormion altissimum (Hook.f.) Hutch. & Dandy Bena P. s.n. Région de Moloundou
Cathormion altissimum (Hook.f.) Hutch. & Dandy Betti J. L. 58 Cameroun, Réserve de faune du Dja.
Cathormion altissimum (Hook.f.) Hutch. & Dandy Bos J.J. 2966 2Km S. of Kribi, edge of beach at small estuary.
Cathormion altissimum (Hook.f.) Hutch. & Dandy Bos J.J. 2966 2Km S. of Kribi, edge of beach at small estuary.
Cathormion altissimum (Hook.f.) Hutch. & Dandy Bos J.J. 4250 7Km S. of Kribi, Lobé R., mouth, edge of beach.
Cathormion altissimum (Hook.f.) Hutch. & Dandy Bos J.J. 5551 9Km N. of Kribi, forest edge on seashoire.
Cathormion altissimum (Hook.f.) Hutch. & Dandy Bos J.J. 6713 30Km S. of Kribi, Campo road, littoral scrub forest on seashore at Mbodè Bay.
Cathormion altissimum (Hook.f.) Hutch. & Dandy Breteler F.J. 2009 Bank of the Nyong R., 40 Km SE. of Yaoundé.
Cathormion altissimum (Hook.f.) Hutch. & Dandy de Wilde W.J.J.O. 2677 Gallery forest, left bank Sanaga river, near ferry Nachtigal, 20km N. of Obala.
Cathormion altissimum (Hook.f.) Hutch. & Dandy Farron C. 7135 Kribi, km 9, route d'Eséka, près du village Ebouyoie.
Cathormion altissimum (Hook.f.) Hutch. & Dandy Fotius 2596 A Mbarang 55 Km NW Belaka Mbere. IGN Belaka Mbere.
Cathormion altissimum (Hook.f.) Hutch. & Dandy Geerling C. 5751 10 Km au Nord de Ngaoundéré.
Cathormion altissimum (Hook.f.) Hutch. & Dandy inconnu s.n. ex. Herbier Jardin Botanique Victoria
Cathormion altissimum (Hook.f.) Hutch. & Dandy Jacques-Félix H. 9099 Environs de Tibati, berges boisées du lac.
Cathormion altissimum (Hook.f.) Hutch. & Dandy Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 6063 Left bank Kadeï r., near Pana, near ferry in road Batouri-Ndélélé.
Cathormion altissimum (Hook.f.) Hutch. & Dandy Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 8868 3Km N. of Foumban, along road to Banyo, left bak Nchi r.
Cathormion altissimum (Hook.f.) Hutch. & Dandy Letouzey R. 2421 Malandi (10 km W. de Tibati).
Cathormion altissimum (Hook.f.) Hutch. & Dandy Letouzey R. 2562 Bordure du Meng, près des lacs de Boubala.IGN. Tibati.
Cathormion altissimum (Hook.f.) Hutch. & Dandy Letouzey R. 7444 Rives du Djerem, entre le confluent de la rivière Vina Sud et le bac de Betare Congo. IGN. Bagado
Cathormion altissimum (Hook.f.) Hutch. & Dandy Letouzey R. 9965 Mékomo, 35km SE d'Ebolowa, carrefour des pistes d'Evindissi et d'Ambam.

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