Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Carpolobia alba G.Don Asonganyi J.N. 456 At Ndokwanen (19 km S of Ndikinimeki).
Carpolobia alba G.Don Bamps P.R.J. 1417 Eseka, cacaoyère.
Carpolobia alba G.Don Bamps P.R.J. 1478 Réserve forestière de Makak.
Carpolobia alba G.Don Beentje H.J. 1522 Lokoundje River bank near road.
Carpolobia alba G.Don Bos J.J. 3744 15 Km. N. of Kribi, riverine forest of Mpolongwe
Carpolobia alba G.Don Bos J.J. 3862 About 18km from Kribi, Lolodorf road, high forest with occasional streamlets.
Carpolobia alba G.Don Bos J.J. 4658 16 km. N. of Kribi, coastal high forest.
Carpolobia alba G.Don Bos J.J. 5014 14 km. from Kribi, Ebolowa road, Bidou II, moist riverine forest.
Carpolobia alba G.Don Bos J.J. 5578 N. of Leper colony, 10km on Kribi-Lolodorf road, wet high forest.
Carpolobia alba G.Don Bos J.J. 5808 20 km. from Kribi, 2 km. N. of Lolodorf road, high forest exploitation, ( SFIA ).
Carpolobia alba G.Don Bos J.J. 6111 New forest exploitation N. of Mt. Elephant, about 18 km SE of Kribi, (Rouillon).
Carpolobia alba G.Don Bos J.J. 7139 Km 36 kribi - Campo, high forest.
Carpolobia alba G.Don Bos J.J. 7161 2km N. of km 25 Kribi - Lolodorf.
Carpolobia alba G.Don Breteler F.J. 797 Bertoua, 5 km along road to Batouri and Betaré Oya.
Carpolobia alba G.Don Breteler F.J. 2132 4 Km SE of Nguélémendouka, along road to Doumé.
Carpolobia alba G.Don Breteler F.J. 2669 Near village Oveng, 27 km from Sangmelima along road to Yaoundé.
Carpolobia alba G.Don C.N.A.D. 922 Ndong - Elang.
Carpolobia alba G.Don Dang D. 623 Colline Nkolomang, Ouest de la piste Ekékam - Métak. Flle IGN 1/2000 Yaoundé.
Carpolobia alba G.Don Dang D. 693 Colline de Nouma, dans le massif Mbam Minkom.
Carpolobia alba G.Don Dang D. 745 4 km environ du village Ekékam, sur piste Ekékam - Métak. Flle IGN 1/2000 Yaoundé.

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