Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Campylospermum sp. Sonké B. 553 Layon Nord / Sud à partir de Dlolimpoun (entre Somalomo et Malen)
Campylospermum sp. Sonké B. 1020 Cameroun, Réserve de faune du Dja.
Campylospermum sp. Sonké B. 1507 Cameroun, Réserve de faune du Dja. Djolimpoun
Campylospermum sp. Tamaki 41 Ejagam council forest reserve in South West Province.
Campylospermum sp. Tamaki 77 Ejagam council forest reserve in South West Province.
Campylospermum sp. Tamaki 95 Ejagam council forest reserve in South West Province.
Campylospermum sp. Thomas D.W. 2788 Forest on the southern slope of Mount Cameroon, above Batoke.
Campylospermum sp. Thomas D.W. 3264 Forest between Bulu and Dibonda.
Campylospermum sp. Thomas D.W. 4152 Korup National Park.
Campylospermum sp. Thomas D.W. 4236 Forest relict in cultivated areas, Mundemba town.
Campylospermum sp. Thomas D.W. 4260 Forest relicts and cultivated areas, Mundemba town.
Campylospermum sp. Thomas D.W. 4335 Korup National park. Forest along footpath from Ndian River at PAMOL. Field 69 and transect P.
Campylospermum sp. Thomas D.W. 4456 Forest and meadows on gently sloping side of Mount Cameroun above small Koto village.
Campylospermum sp. Thomas D.W. 4687 Forest relict near Kumba.
Campylospermum sp. Thomas D.W. 5177 Forest near Konye in the valley of the Mungo river, 40km north of Kumba.
Campylospermum sp. Thomas D.W. 5460 Kurume, west of Mungo River.
Campylospermum sp. Thomas D.W. 5575 Old growth forest along transect P, southern end of Korup National Park.
Campylospermum sp. Thomas D.W. 7269 Forested bank of the Sangha river (international frontier), 30 Km from Libongo southwards.
Campylospermum sp. Thomas D.W. 7487 Roadside forest south of Baro village.
Campylospermum sp. Thomas D.W. 7504 Old growth forest on flat, sandy area between Baro and Ikenge villages, along foot path, in the Korup National Park.

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